Destiny 2
player experience proposal

The project

Discover and implement a way to improve player experience in Destiny 2 through player feedback, usability testing, market research, and other UX/UI methods.

The Solution

Increase usability, scalability, and desirability of quest completion flow by re-designing the Quest Tab, Quest Status Markers, and Quest Discover features.


  • Discovering actionable and realistic opportunities across multiple player profiles of different play styles, time committed, quest/story progress, and more

  • Designing a solution that adheres to Destiny 2 assets

  • Improving a feature that has been adapted and developed with existing player feedback through many different updates

  • Determining the priority of presented features to best align with Business goals and brand identity

My Role

UX/UI Designer
UX & Market Researcher
Testing Leader

Tools: Figma, Google Suite, Canva, Slack, Discord


What is destiny 2?

  • developed by bungie, a bellevue-based game company

  • Science-fiction first person shooter

  • deep & complex lore

  • Wield the light, blessed by the traveler

  • play as a guardian of earth’s last stronghold

  • fight against alien forces and a looming darkness

The Process

Discover Issues

  • Player feedback from multiple different sources

  • Usability testing

  • Market research

  • Competitive analysis

Define UX/UI Goals

  • Define and redefine player experience goals

  • Understand the Usability, Desirability, Scalability, and Feasibility pillars

  • Determine our problem and solution

Develop Ideas

  • User flow

  • Sketches

  • Moodboards

  • Wireframes

  • Edits via feedback

Deliver Solutions

  • Executable bold, silver, and bronze plans

  • Mid to High fidelity prototypes

  • Mid to High fidelity mockups


potential issues

new features

  • New growth, items, activities, and more every few months

  • Additionally, new mechanics that increase the gap between new and returning players


  • Going in and out of planets/destinations can be confusing, especially to casual or new players

  • Requires a great deal of memorization

character growth

  • Leveling up characters can be “grindy” and/or repetitive

  • There is no value assigned to character’s Light Level

Quest progress

  • Players find it hard to prioritize quests, or at least the ability to choose their own priorities

  • Disconnects when starting or ending a quest step, creating “lost” feeling


  • Too many different types of consumables, perks, mods, etc. that can be applied to characters in different ways

  • Functionality and usability is confusing

  • Feels “not worth it” to learn

player feedback

“There are no real instructions…nothing felt intuitive.”

Jessie, Youtube Streamer

“Navigating the ui and figuring out where the game wants me to go is confusing.”

Rob, Youtube Streamer

“it was hard to navigate through the game.”

Julie, Usability Tester

“i did all the new light quests and now i feel kind of stranded.”

Chelsea, Steam Forum Comment

“There’s like a million quests in my quest log.”

Sam, Usability Tester

“Is there ‘must play content’ i don’t want to miss out on.”

Bob, Bungie Forum Comment

competitive analysis


  • Consider time and effort to enter, leave, and view destinations, especially when on controller

  • Encourage exploration while decreasing overload of information by locking certain areas behind levels or other mechanisms

  • Rely less on memorization by presenting more information about destinations and their activities, enemies, etc.

  • Decrease navigational strain by clearly labeling destinations and maps

Games: (Top) Warframe, (Bottom) Elden Ring

Quest Progress

  • Provide quests with “priority” or “intention” so that players can evaluate and play with confidence

  • Decrease time wasted by allowing players to directly start a quest from the quest log

  • Decrease memory load by clearly listing details of the quest, rewards, and progress

  • Allow players to track quests, and visibly show them for quick view

Games: (Top) Assasin’s Creed, (Bottom) Bleach

quest next steps

  • Tracked quests are visible all the time, or at least clearly distinguishable

  • New updates are automatically loaded for players in distinguishable notifications

  • Guide players to next objective to keep them in the gameplay loop

  • Provide direction to decrease frustration, confusion, or feelings of being lost

Games: Genshin Impact

The Problem.

New and returning players need more guidance when progressing through a quest because they will feel lost by the overload of information.

The Solution.

Provide players a more guided, customizable quest flow that relies on informative action and next steps, while decreasing components of memorization.

experience goals

experience goals we want

What kinds of goals are we looking for? How will we know we’ve achieved success? What are the best ways to get players engaged in our game?

  • Mechanics are easily learnable and memorable

  • Game rules are easily testable and offers clear, instant, and rewarding lessons

  • Rarely have players feeling lost or confused

  • Easy to retain game rules even after multiple or absent game plays

  • Knowledge can be immediately implemented in the game


  • Joy and excitement at playing the game

  • Desire to commit time, money, and social engagement to discover and obtain collectible items

  • Players feel emotionally attached to their avatars, the game world, the story, and more


  • Players can easily find new items, activities, weapons, armor, and any other seasonal content

  • Trackers and notifications are intuitive and easily understood by players

  • UI can hold all playable content, and has space for new content to be discovered by players


  • Game designs and UX/UI designs are implementable with little to no lag

  • Tech ventures consider PC and Console limitations


We know what we want, but have we achieved them? It looks like there are some areas where we can improve to better achieve our player’s experience goals and their engagement. What are the areas we could improve to achieve success?

experience goals we could improve

  • Relies too much on memorization of rules, screens, and other important information

  • Players can often feel lost and confused, not know what to do next

  • Navigation can be confusing


  • Seasonal content can lose luster if cycled out

  • Fast turnover of new items, consumables, and artifacts can be overwhelming, making icons indistinguishable


  • Icons and notifications can be overwhelming and inconsistent

  • New seasonal icons and activities can seemingly appear without explanation

  • UI is unable to compensate for ever-growing game world


  • Spread of information across multiple screens may increase loading times

  • Player feedback about responsiveness from PC players seemingly slightly more positive than console players


screen analysis

destinations & Maps


  • Target how to minimize icons

  • Organize data to match player experience

  • Change UI to minimize back-and-forth

  • Provide more information prior to selecting a destination


  • Overwhelming

  • Lacking prioritization

  • Relies on memorization

quest log


  • Confused where to begin/go

  • Overwhelming

  • Relies on memorization

  • Not intuitive


  • Change organization and labeling of sections to reflect priority

  • Provide more information (i.e. Providing destination waypoint info inside the quest)

  • Keep consistent language

  • Change to “click for details” rather than “click to track”

quest next steps


  • Player is lost and unprompted to next steps

  • Minimal indication of completed quest/objective

  • Booted to orbit


  • Incorporate more indicators for quest end

  • Prompt users toward next actionable step

  • Provide players more choice and autonomy on next direction


user flow & sketches

Action plans

bronze plan

(Required Changes)

  • Change quest log categories, determined by priority and focus

  • Move “tracked” items to the top

  • Provide more details of quest step end and next steps in completion banner

silver plan

(Ideal Changes)

Decrease memorization and memory load

  • Maps show planet name, and provide info on icons

  • Destinations “unlock” over time

  • Click no longer “tracks” -> change to “click for details

Increase quest information and direction

  • Quests provide more info (destination, activity, reward details)

  • Keep launch action consistent and inform
    player what it will do

  • Keep quest step permanently on top left (nav mode for more information) whether in or out
    of quest

  • Quest end opens quest log rather than pushing player to orbit

gold plan

(Additional Changes)

  • Change quest log categories, determined by priority and focus

  • Change collectible bounties into daily challenges

  • Destinations screen accounts for more planets by creating “sectors” or a “roaming map”

  • Quick navigational top-bar for easy roaming



Guided and informative movement through navigation

“Roaming” exploration style map

Change in select/hover actions

Top-bar navigation

quest log

Journal style quest log

Quest categories labeled after goal (character growth, daily, etc.)

Change in select/hover actions

Tracked quests housed in separate component


Launching quest will automatically display quest objectives on screen

Tracker with mission name


(Bottom) Player has completed an objective, showing a “completed” status before automatically displaying new objective

(Top) Player enters quest gameplay and sees quest name, quest step, and location displayed in the banner


At quest step completion, banner appears at eye level

Indicate which quest step they’ve completed


Completed objectives

Additional options for progression

Next Steps

As I continue this proposal, I want to conduct A/B testing, comparing the feedback and player experience of existing gameplay against my mid-fidelity prototype. Using this method, I want to gain more insight on if my solutions correctly address the underlying player issues. After that, my next goal would be to create high-fidelity and high-quality UI mockups.