About Me

Alysia Kang


I am a UX Designer and Illustrator. While specializing in UX Design, I am always looking to better user experience by finding the “why” behind user pain points. I have great passion for creating intuitive products that ease the gap between users and their technology. I am especially interested in improving tech engagement for the elderly and those with learning and memory difficulties. I will be a great resource for end-to-end UX projects and for providing an empathic mindset. I am adaptable to all situations, and have a positive energy that can help bring a team together.

I am based in Seattle, WA. During my free time, I love to play games (Destiny 2, Dark Souls, Dead Space…although I’m always a sucker for Pokemon) and watch horror movies.

Roles: UX/UI Designer, UX/UI Game Designer, UX Researcher, Consumer Needs Specialist, Product Designer, Illustrator, Brand/Logo Designer

Toolkit: Figma, Marvel, Maze, Canva, Unity, Miro, Google Suite, Affinity, Clipstudio Paint, Microsoft Suite

Highlighted Experiences

  • UX/UI designer - conversio health

    OCT 2022 - Present

    Conduct user and market research to create intuitive and engaging solutions that fulfill user needs. I am in charge of UX research, creating designs and prototypes, testing with users, and presenting ideas to lateral teams, stakeholders, and clients.

    Skills UX Research and Design, Wireframing & Prototyping, Team Collaboration, Confidential Documentation and Handling, Presentation

    Tools: Figma, Maze, Affinity, Microsoft Suite, ClickUp

  • UX Instructional Associate - General Assembly

    JUN 2022 - PRESENT

    Assist the instructional team with weekly lessons, preparations, projects, and more. Connect and collaborate with instructional teams and managers on student progress and growth. Manage class resources and lesson plans, organize scheduling for class.

    Skills: Communication, Collaboration, Research, Preparation & Organization

  • UX Designer - On the Go LA

    FEB 2022 - MAR 2022

    Role: Team leader, Lead UX Researcher, and main point of contact between team and shareholders

    Led a UX team through an end-to-end design sprint geared to increase onboarding support and traffic retention for an LA-based food truck rental company.

    Delivered: User interviews, market research, affinity map, personas, journey maps, wireframes, multiple iterated prototypes, usability testing results, style guide, hi-fidelity mockup

    Tools: Figma, Marvel, Miro, Maze

  • Illustrator - Freelance

    JAN 2010 - PRESENT

    Designed brand and logo material for local businesses and individual freelancers. Created illustrations, commissions, commercial designs, and other design projects.

    Tools: Paint Tool Sai, Clip Studio, Square, Adobe, Gimp, Unity

message me!

Thank you for your interest and your time! You can contact me for any questions, to chat, or for anything else with the form. You can also send me a direct message to the email or LinkedIn listed address below.

kang.alysia@gmail.com [preferred method]
